Fyre Search
Fyre Search

Unlock the Power of 2X Customer Acquisition & Retention by Claiming Your Location Gallery At Fyre Search, a cutting-edge Crowd Management & PR Marketing Platform designed specially for PBCL & Restaurant Industry & seamlessly integrated with Geo-Tagging Social Media to bring your brand on the most organized Virtual Marketplace- Wire.

Convert your outlet into a virtual profile that entices target audience in the right way just by claiming your location gallery at Fyre Search. By doing so, you also open doors to a world of tailored marketing opportunities via AI-based feature like Crowd Puller that keeps boosting your footfall and engagement.

Create better Marketing Campaigns & Manage your PR with Fyre Search to get easy customer acquisition & retention. Achieve your desirable sales rate, brand visibility, customer engagement & scale up your business just by the movements of fingers.

Deliver right brand message to the right audience via AI based feature Crowd Puller.

Create and run marketing campaigns that lets your brand shine out!

Manage your PR and get tagged by customers for organic visibility.

Choose your target audience via AI & reach them directly whenever YOU want!

Represent your services & brand, your way! Gain instant attention with minimal efforts.

Multiple Business Listing

Market all your outlets under one subscription.

Monitor Location Gallery

Manage your PR by monitoring the tagged photos.

Crowd Puller

Engage with fastest customer acquisition via AI.

Push Notification

Directly target crowd with right brand message.

Inventory Management

Manage outlet’s Table, Menu, Offers, and more.

Rating & Review System

Get organic customer ratings for increased value.